Atlantic Canada is often characterized by its unique and diverse coastal landscapes. The risks of warming waters and extreme weather events are challenging the sustainability of the built environment in the Atlantic region, demanding immediate adaptation strategies from Communities, Architects, Planners, Engineers, Landscape Architects, and practitioners in the built environment. At the forefront of climate change adaptation is inclusivity - recognizing the importance of engaging people and organizations at all levels of communities and governments to take ACTION. Drawing on a range of expertise, the RAIC + BEAA climate action and inclusivity panel discussion reflects on the importance of engaging diverse voices for the development of holistic and meaningful strategies for the future of Atlantic Canada so outcomes equally reflect the diversity of the people and places they influence. The discussion identifies issues of climate change specific to the Atlantic region, defines current goals for climate change adaptation and investigates means for inclusive design and implementation.
Learning outcomes:
  • Describe the unique challenges climate change poses to Atlantic Canada and how designers of the built environment can be better equipped to respond and adapt. 
  • Identify government initiatives such as the HalifACT and how they influence the built environment, and how design can act as a tool for responding to climate change planning acts.  
  • Describe the role of landscape architecture within broader scale climate change adaptation agendas for Atlantic Canada and the benefit of a landscape approach toward climate change adaptation and development. 
  • Identify the unique conditions of working in Northern Canada, and how the lessons from northern and remote contexts can inform practice in the Atlantic region, particularly when working in sensitive environmental and cultural contexts.